
Clubexplore is our story about building a dream right from scratch.Through this blog we want to share with you our exciting journey of adventure and entrpreneurship and in the process invite your opinions about the path we take, hear your stories and get inspired.Wether the crystal ball of Clubexplore will show success is something that only time will tell, but we are not worried about the end we are excited about the begining, about the challeneges that lie ahead. Like any adventure we will go one step at a time and hopefully reach the cloud someday

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Data Reality

Well the website is up the backend is in place
So whats the problem??
Well there is no data!!
Why dont you do some surfing and collect it??
Well job kills, no time left to surf and collect!! Also no site to copy from (damn)
So what are you planning??
Hire some smart people
Wont that be expensive??

Nopes they wont, well not many people realize the talent that exsists in b schools can be harnessed by entrepreneurs, even we dint. Although they are in the learning phase yet are smart enough to excute any kind of work and at an affordable option
Thankfully for time starved people like us they came to our rescue. Well a natural question to ask would then be, dint you think of this before?
And the answer would be, "ofcourse we thought". We also thought that we would toil hard, work day and night and add about different adventure options. However reality soon kicked in and laziness soon took over we needed to find an alternative.
And no credit goes to us for thinking this option. It just happeened when a person from the marketing association of the b school was reviewing the website. She simply said why dont you give this work to us.
Anyways NEXT STEP is to get the information for the website !!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Club Explore goes LIVE!!!

29th September 1.40 pm

Nearly 3 months after the development for the website began its finally ready to go live at 2.00 pm

A Website one may think is so trivial, there are hundrends of tools which can create slick websites within a couple of minutes and yet its taken us such a long time

Well there is another story with the website. Our first attempt at creating a website began in december of 2006. The idea was simple, quickly learn some powerful language of the intenet like perl, java etc and to toil day and night to develop unique designs and features and create a great site. We are indeed a set of very hard working people but then there is something called as doing smart. After trying to create some "Hello World" programmes on perl we realized the website would take a generation to develop. We then started looking at alternatives on the net and Eureka!! we found Joomla. Joomla is a powerful way to create a heavy content website or what is called a Content Management System.
Finding Joomla was like finding wings to fly over delhi traffic. We quickly began evaluating the various features of Joomla and how we could develop a website with it. However we realized soon that developing on Joomla a system that requires a very strong database support would not be easy. The wings were too small they just couldnt lift us off.

In May of 2007 the MBA grad who had started earning from a high profile job now decided that in order to pursue his dream seriously he would require professional support. Somebody who could worry about design, security and host of other issues. This required money and quite a bit of it. At that point a freind came to help, he decided to invest too, although he dint believe completely in the idea but he still decided

The Wings were back in business!!
Its one minute before 2 pm
See you in the virtual world

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Search

Who knows there must be some billion pages on the internet originating from some million sites. There are sites on every conceivable thing from details about ancient vimanas to how to grow fat. In this chaos of websites, how to come up with some website different from others?

We need to go back a bit in time somewhere in 2004, when one of us gestated the idea of Club Explore as an adventure club in the city of bangalore, directed at the students of various colleges in bangalore. The idea was to create a community of adventure enthusiasts, provide them with some basic training and then go out on weekend trips to close by destinations.
The club had a good response but could never see the light of the day. Why, u may ask. Each one of us dreamers stood on the typical cross road that life offers. Whether to choose between the safe haven of an MNC or risks and difficulties of a business?
With no experience and just a degree the idea took a back seat. Fortunately or unfortunately that only time will tell, the conceiver of club explore went on to join a very reputed chip design company in bangalore, while his friend went to join an reputed MBA school to enter the rat race some time in future and earn a comfortable income to make himself happy. Like the first love the thought of club explore never left the eyes. The MBA school grad made a business plan and sent across to various competitions but none of them showed appreciation for it.
Einstein had once quoted, 'Great ideas often receive violent opposition from mediocre minds.' We are no Einstein but then what the hell lets do it!!
And so the idea clicked in the head of the MBA school grad was the idea of the website and club explore merging together, and hence The Search came to an end…

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Inspiration

"It is difficult to begin a story in which each person involved has his own beginning..”

“Why Does the story have to always begin from the beginning. This story we tell begins from our inspiration”

It was one hot night in a hot city of India that one of us chanced upon this book called there is a website by the same name also. The book spoke about 100’s of dot com ideas which began in the dot com era and how they went bankrupt sinking millions of dollars of investor money. With each story came an insight as to why the particular dotcom failed, most failures were due promise of products which nobody really required, some were about promises which the distribution could never fulfill and yet some ideas were those which were ahead of their time and the technology could not support the same

In any case what the book did was to make the fortunate one of us think as to what if he were to launch a website, would it get (you know what)

Going back about six months before the same person read the book, he attended a lecture from one Mr Mahesh Murthy at 12.00 clock in midnight about how its so simple to start with a business by using the internet as a backbone, so inspired he was by the lecture that he applied for summers at the same company (passionfunds india) however the application was never accepted. The lecture did tell him that creating a business through a website indeed was a simple process.
This thought always remained with him. He would generate ideas every now and then and tell his friends about how he could create different websites. The most extreme of an idea was to create a website where one could leave a message for the loved ones before he dies which could then be delivered.

Going back 2 months before the same person who read the book and heard Mr Murthy he was organizing a inter college rock competition when he came across a website called a simple website which had everything about what a rock fan wanted in India. The site was very effective in the manner it accepted and displayed information its simplicity and efficiency amazed this person

This story now goes back to the time after the book was read when this person decided that its high time that he should follow his dream. What began then is The Search

“It takes a heart to dream dreams it requires a soul to fulfill them”

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Who we are

We are a small group of individuals, something which is common between us is that we all dream big. Clubexplore to us seems a place through which we can fulfill both our thrill for adventure and the entrepreneurial streak we have within us. More about us in the later posts